#======================================================================== # # Sample xpdfrc file # # The Xpdf tools look for a config file in two places: # 1. ~/.xpdfrc # 2. in a system-wide directory, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc # # This sample config file demonstrates some of the more common # configuration options. Everything here is commented out. You # should edit things (especially the file/directory paths, since # they'll likely be different on your system), and uncomment whichever # options you want to use. For complete details on config file syntax # and available options, please see the xpdfrc(5) man page. # # Also, the Xpdf language support packages each include a set of # options to be added to the xpdfrc file. # # http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/ # #======================================================================== #----- display fonts # These map the Base-14 fonts to the Type 1 fonts that ship with # ghostscript. You'll almost certainly want to use something like # this, but you'll need to adjust this to point to wherever # ghostscript is installed on your system. (But if the fonts are # installed in a "standard" location, xpdf will find them # automatically.) displayFontT1 Times-Roman "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021003l.pfb" displayFontT1 Times-Italic "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021023l.pfb" displayFontT1 Times-Bold "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021004l.pfb" displayFontT1 Times-BoldItalic "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021024l.pfb" displayFontT1 Helvetica "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019003l.pfb" displayFontT1 Helvetica-Oblique "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019023l.pfb" displayFontT1 Helvetica-Bold "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019004l.pfb" displayFontT1 Helvetica-BoldOblique "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019024l.pfb" displayFontT1 Courier "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022003l.pfb" displayFontT1 Courier-Oblique "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022023l.pfb" displayFontT1 Courier-Bold "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022004l.pfb" displayFontT1 Courier-BoldOblique "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022024l.pfb" displayFontT1 Symbol "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\s050000l.pfb" displayFontT1 ZapfDingbats "C:\Program Files\gs\fonts\d050000l.pfb" # If you need to display PDF files that refer to non-embedded fonts, # you should add one or more fontDir options to point to the # directories containing the font files. Xpdf will only look at .pfa, # .pfb, and .ttf files in those directories (other files will simply # be ignored). #fontDir /usr/local/fonts/bakoma #----- PostScript output control # Set the default PostScript file or command. #psFile "|lpr -Pmyprinter" # Set the default PostScript paper size -- this can be letter, legal, # A4, or A3. You can also specify a paper size as width and height # (in points). #psPaperSize letter #----- text output control # Choose a text encoding for copy-and-paste and for pdftotext output. # The Latin1, ASCII7, and UTF-8 encodings are built into Xpdf. Other # encodings are available in the language support packages. textEncoding Shift-JIS # Choose the end-of-line convention for multi-line copy-and-past and # for pdftotext output. The available options are unix, mac, and dos. #textEOL unix #----- misc settings # Enable t1lib, FreeType, and anti-aliased text. #enableT1lib yes #enableFreeType yes #antialias yes # Set the command used to run a web browser when a URL hyperlink is # clicked. #urlCommand "netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'" #----- begin Japanese support package (2004-jul-27) cidToUnicode Adobe-Japan1 "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode" unicodeMap ISO-2022-JP "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap" unicodeMap EUC-JP "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\EUC-JP.unicodeMap" unicodeMap Shift-JIS "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\Shift-JIS.unicodeMap" cMapDir Adobe-Japan1 "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\CMap" toUnicodeDir "C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdf-japanese\CMap" #displayCIDFontTT Adobe-Japan1 /usr/..../kochi-mincho.ttf #----- end Japanese support package